Data Privacy Statement

1. Object of this data protection declaration

The protection of your personal data (hereinafter: “data”) is a matter of great importance to us. We collect, process and use your personal data in conformity with the content of the data privacy policy listed below, as with other applicable rules, particularly those defined in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).  In the following we will be informing you about the storage of data, the type of data stored, the usage to which the data is put and about our identity. We will also be notifying you of the initial transmission of data and the nature of the data transmitted as well as about the protective measures taken. We therefore kindly request that you read the following statements carefully. 

2. Office responsible/Service provider

(1) The office responsible for the processing of your data on our website pursuant to the GDPR and at the same time service provider pursuant to the Telemedia Act (TMG) is the

Hauptstraße 12
25462 Rellingen 

Represented by: 
Managing Director: Capt. Thomas Pötzsch

Tel.: +49 4101 5151 – 0
Fax: +49 4101 5151 – 100
Mail: it(at) 

(2) Questions or comments concerning this data protection declaration should kindly be sent to the e-mail address: service(at) or to our postal address as set out under section 1.

3. Collection and usage of your personal data

(1) The term “personal data” as used in this Privacy Statement refers to information that can be used to identify you, such as your name, e-mail address, mailing address, or telephone number. We do not collect sensitive personal data (e.g. data relating to your political or religious beliefs, your health or race, etc.). Generally, your personal data will only be processed as described in this Privacy Statement. However, we reserve the right to conduct additional processing to the extent permitted or required by law, or in support of any legitimate requests filed by authorities.

(2) The scope and nature of the collection and usage of your data varies depending on whether you visit our Internet presence for the sole purpose of accessing information or whether you wish to make use of the services we offer.

Informational usage:

(3) For solely informational usage of our Internet presence, you are principally not required to state any personal data.

In such cases, the only data we collect and use is such data that your Internet browser automatically transmits to us:

·         date and time of your accessing one of our websites

·         your browser type

·         the browser settings

·         the operating system used

·         the site you last visited

·         the data volume transmitted and the access status (file transmitted, file not found, etc.) and

·         your IP address.

(4) This data is stored separately from any other data you may have indicated to us. This data is not interlinked with any other data of yours. It is evaluated for statistical purposes to enable us to optimise our websites and our offers. Following your visit to our website, these data will be deleted, on conclusion of their evaluation at the latest.

As a general principle, we store your IP address in anonymised form. This IP address is not stored completely unless required for the traceability of errors and hacker attacks or for logging consents.

The legal basis for the collection of the listed data (i.e. any information on your visit to our website, e.g. the scope of the transferred data, the date and time of the website visit and other connection data) together with information on your computer (IP address, status and the data quantity of the request) is defined in Art. 6 Par. 1 lit f) of the GDPR. 

Answering of your questions by e-mail or contact form:

(5) If you connect with us by email or contact form, the details you submit as required for the processing of the request /contact, or for any follow-up questions, will be stored or used for the handling of contracts. Such data will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent unless required for the provision of a service or for the purpose of contract implementation. The legal basis for such issues is defined in Art. 6 Para. 1 lit b) and lit) of the GDPR.

Disclosure of your data to any state institutions or authorities entitled to receive such information will only be made in the context of statutory disclosure requirements, or if a legal obligation to provide such information exists by court order.

Customer login / Data room:

On activation of the corresponding access, our customers have the opportunity, via the CTP File Exchange (data room), of viewing or retrieving any documents relating to their orders or deliveries and of tracking the status of such orders. This activation requires the storage of personal data relating to their company, form of salutation, name, address, telephone number, email address and the date of acceptance of a revocation declaration. Within the scope of use we process the login-email address and the password. This data will not be disclosed to any third party. The legal basis is defined in Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f) of the GDPR.

4. Job applications and application procedures 

We collect and process the personal data of job applicants with the purpose of conducting the application procedure. Processing can also be effected by electronic means. This is especially the case whenever a job applicant submits his/her application documents to a member company in the CTP Group by electronic means such as email. If one of these member companies enters into an employment contract with an applicant, the data submitted for management of the employment relationship will be stored in compliance with legal requirements. If an employment contract is not signed with the applicant, his/her application documents will be deleted automatically six months after notification of the rejection decision, provided that this rejection does not conflict with other legitimate interests of the affected member company in the CTP Group. Other legitimate interests in this context may include, for example, the duty of proof in proceedings relating to the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG).

5. Use of cookies

(1) For our Internet presence we make use of cookie technology. Cookies are text files that are sent during your visit to our websites from our web server to your browser and are kept by the latter on your processor for subsequent access purposes.

(2) We only use so-called session cookies or temporary cookies, namely such cookies as are temporarily stored on our websites solely for the duration of your usage of one of our websites. The purpose of such cookies is to enable us to continue to identify your processor during a visit to our Internet presence when it switches from one of our websites to another of our websites as well as to determine the end of your visit.

(3) The cookies are deleted as soon as you end your browser session.

(4) You can use the settings on your browser to determine yourself whether cookies can be stored and accessed. You can, for instance, fully deactivate the storing of cookies on your browser, restrict it to certain websites or configure your browser so that it will notify you automatically as soon as a cookie is about to be stored and ask you for your feedback in this connection. For the full scope of functionality in respect of our Internet presence, it is necessary, for technical reasons, to permit the storing of so-called session cookies.

(5) No collection or storing of personal data in cookies is carried out by us in this connection. Nor do we use any technology linking any information collected with user data via cookies.

6. Usage of Google Analytics

(1) This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics also uses cookies, i.e. text files that are stored on your computer which enable an analysis of your website usage to be conducted. The information on your use of this website generated via the cookie is generally transmitted to a server operated by Google in the USA and stored there. In the event that IP anonymisation has been activated on this website, your IP address will, however, be abbreviated in advance by Google within the member states of the European Union and in other countries that have signed the treaty on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a server operated by Google in the USA and then abbreviated. On our behalf, Google will use this information to evaluate your usage of the website, to compile reports on website activities and to provide further services connected with website and Internet usage vis-à-vis us as the website operator.

(2) The IP address transmitted from your browser by way of Google Analytics is not brought together with any other data held by Google.

(3) You can prevent the storage of cookies via the corresponding setting on your browser software; we must point out, however, that in such cases you may not be able to use all the functions offered by this website in full.

(4) We would like to point out that this website uses Google Analytics with the upgrade “_anonymizeIp()” and as such only processes IP addresses in abbreviated form such that any direct personal connection can be ruled out.

(5) Moreover, you can prevent the logging of the data generated via the cookie which relate to your usage of the website (incl. your IP address) and the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plugin provided via the following link:

 (6) Further information on terms of usage and data protection can be found at or at

7. Non-disclosure of data

No data will be disclosed for commercial purposes. Either by storing your personal data or using alternative options, we may distribute such information to our affiliated companies or other trustworthy partners who provide services on our behalf. If data is processed by a service partner supporting us in the performance of a contract, we shall at all times transfer such data only to the minimum necessary.

Whenever contract data are to be processed, we carefully select our partners and ensure that such data are handled in a trustworthy manner. Contracts with our partners are concluded accordingly, thus ensuring that data will be used solely in line with our requirements. In turn, our partners are also not permitted to disclose the data of our customers for commercial purposes.

We do not distribute your personal data to these or other third parties unless this is required to perform the services which you have requested or authorised and to safeguard both your and our own rights, property and security. Disclosure of such data may also be obligatory under current legislation and other statutory or official regulations, or when demanded elsewhere in support of legal or criminal investigations and judicial proceedings.

Should the disclosure of data to third parties be necessary for the fulfilment of contractual agreements, we shall ensure that such data remains within the EU or the EEA. However, individual member companies in the CTP Group, as well as certain public authorities, customers and suppliers, to whom we are permitted and/or obliged to disclose your personal data, may also be located outside of Germany or the EU, possibly even in third countries, where data protection laws may differ from the EU regulations. In such cases, we ensure that appropriate measures are taken to protect your personal data through the implementation of appropriate legal mechanisms such as, for example, certain standard EU contractual clauses.     

8. Data security

We use technical and organisational security measures to protect personal data that are received or collected, notably against manipulation, loss or unauthorised access. Our security measures are updated on an ongoing basis to keep pace with technological developments. We thus make particular use of the very latest state-of-the-art encryption procedures (e.g. SSL) via https.

9. Duration of data storage

Your personal data are stored only as long as is necessary for the purpose of rendering our services. In some cases, data storage for periods above and beyond this may be required in order to meet statutory or legal obligations.

10. Your rights – information, rectification, erasure, restriction, objection and revocation

(1) As regards the processing of your personal data, you may at all times assert the following rights against us:

• Right of access to information (Art. 15 GDPR),

• Right to the correction of inaccurate data or completion (Art. 16 GDPR)

• Right to the erasure including the “right to be forgotten“ (Art. 17 GDPR),

• Right to the restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR),

• Right to data portability (Art. 20 Par.1) GDPR),

• Right to object against processing and to revoke consent (Art. 21 GDPR).

(2) You may at all times revoke, with effect for the future, any declaration of consent under data protection legislation which you have granted to us. Insofar as we are basing the processing of your personal data on the balance of interests, you may object to such processing (Art. 21 Par.1) GDPR).

This is particularly relevant in cases when processing is not necessary for fulfilment of a contract concluded with you, as has been set out specifically in the following description. Should you wish to assert your right of objection, we kindly request that you briefly state the reasons as to why we should not process your personal data in the manner we have so far implemented. On receipt of your substantiated objection, we will examine the circumstances and either discontinue or adjust the processing of your data, or set out our compelling and legitimate reasons for continuing this processing.

(3) You may also at any time object to any usage profiles drawn up by us within the framework of this data protection declaration for advertising and market research purposes as well as for the demand-compliant configuration of our websites.

(4) You also have at any time the option of demanding information on the data stored concerning you as well as details concerning the origin of this data, the recipients or categories of recipient to whom this data is forwarded and the purpose of storage.

(5) If you wish to assert your rights, kindly send an e-mail to: it(at) or to the address indicated in the printing credits imprint.

(6) So as to be able to process requests for information, or to revoke, erase, block and limit data, we are obliged to carefully verify your identity. This serves to safeguard your data against unauthorised access by third parties. Please bear in mind that we may occasionally have to insist on further information or proof of identity from you before your request can be met.

(7) Furthermore, you are entitled to appeal before a supervisory authority of your choice:

Independent Centre for Data Privacy Protection Schleswig-Holstein (ULD)

State Commissioner for Data Privacy Protection Schleswig-Holstein

Holstenstraße 98

24103 Kiel

Telephone: 04 31/988-1200

Telefax: 04 31/988-1223


11. Changes to these data privacy regulations

We reserve the right to change our privacy policy at any time with effect for the future. A regularly updated version can be accessed on the website. Please visit the website regularly to obtain information on the applicable privacy regulations.