Planning and operation of the logistical services of the regional CTP Support companies as well as support of the transportation services of CTP SHIPPING and CTP LOGISTIC
- Operation and management of existing logistical services, notably in connection with the transportation services of CTP SHIPPING and CTP LOGISTIC
- Operation of the company’s own added value platforms and stores/warehouses
- One-stop logistical solutions for individual customer requirements
- Bundled purchasing for individual Marketing
- Distribution and presentation of antiques from shipping Master Mariner`s Collection
Schlickstrasse 10, Hafennummer 3128, 47138 Duisburg, Germany
5,000 m² of warehouse-space in the Port of Duisburg specialised on storing, processing and distributing of “black” raw materials and products
- Indirect water connection for the handling of barges, as well as various options for the loading and unloading of trucks, containers and silo transporters
- The complete logistics chain provided by the CTP – CARGO c TRANS c POOL – from the mine, via sea freight, to the consumer, ready to be used
- Transhipment, storage, contract processing, filling and transferral, silo shipments, sieving, 195 m³ silo storage and much more besides
- In cooperation with Rheintrans B.V., Rotterdam
Maaskade 161a, 3071 NR Rotterdam, Netherlands
Logistical service provider at the port of Rotterdam with customer-specific specialisation
- Clearance and handling of import shipments in the form of bulk goods (GMP-certified)
- Load checks, sampling and inspections
- Transportation services, post-shipment legs and distribution with all carriers, including interim storage and consignment warehousing
- In cooperation with Rheintrans B.V., Rotterdam
Asia Headquarters Unit 3 24/F Bonham Trade Centre 50 Bonham Strand East Sheung Wan, Hongkong
Company-own offices with long-serving staff in Hong Kong, Tianjin (Xingang) and Yingkou (Bayuquan)
- Loading checks, sampling and inspections on the supplier’s premises through to the organisation of collection ex works or ex mine
- Despatch preparation: packing, repacking, commissioning and packaging
- Comprehensive shipment counselling with long-standing experience on site, sound market skills and a reliable network